IMan has the ability to import data in the following formats: CSV, Excel, Fixed Width Text, XML and any ODBC compliant database.
All read transforms (except for Database) can retrieve data from either File, Email or URL (Http).
The transform nodes that deal with data import are:
Pull Connectors
Connector Readers allow you to query an external application or service for data. Typical pull connectors are CRM, eCommerce or other web services.
CSV Reader
These are files made up of Character Separated Values and can be read from Emails, Files or Http.
Database Reader
For querying any ODBC or OleDB compliant data-source.
Excel Reader
Files from Excel 1997 - 2003;2007 and above files can be read from Email, Files or Http.
Fixed Width Reader
For files with a set number of fields, in a fixed width column format.
JSON Reader
To read data from an HTTP URL via a GET operation, a file location, or an email.
Provides the ability to obtain the last successful run date and job id.
WebAPI Reader
The WebAPI Reader provides the entry point for any integrations exposing an API endpoint.
XML Reader
To use XPath expressions to read XML files.