Add Order Details to recordset (2 replies)
Hi, While waiting for a response I've created a workaround.
Powershell script reads source file for Order Number and performs SQL lookup against Sage for the ORDUNIQ and then associated OEORDD items.
Write this out to a new file.
Iman is then set to run the script and import the new file. Normal Iman process from that point onwards.
While this works I would be interested to know if there is a way to add these detail records using IMAN itself please.
Colin, I believe you can do this using the parameterised DB read introduced in v5 of IMan.
Hi, I'm attempting to Ship and Invoice Orders.
My source data is coming from a .csv where I only have the Order Number.
I understand that to ship and invoice an order I'll need to set values at the detail level for 'qtyordered' vs 'qtyshipped' and 'invoice will be produced' at the header.
So I need to pull the order detail into the record set.
Any suggestions on how to do this?
I tried a db reader to fetch it all. But how can I pass in the Order Number? Can't attach a db read to .csv Reader
Could a script task be used?
Any help greatly apprciated