File Event Question (1 reply and 1 comment)
JFrench, there shouldn't be a cap.
However, the File Event function isn't perfect.
If files are placed into a specific in a reasonably quick fashion, there can be instances where files will be missed. This is due to the way windows fires the events.
IMan tries to smooth out the events but only so much is possible. If there are only sporadic events the File Event will handle it, but if say the files are being dropped in rapid succession (10s over 2-3 seconds) this is where the issues can occur.
Ok thanks for the speedy reply!
Hello all,
I was wondering if there is a cap on number of jobs/folders you can have file events placed on. I am working with a client that continues to grow and to add more file events and I would like to know if this may become an issue long term.
If this is potentially going to be an issue any advice/information you all can offer would be much appreciated.