Method '~' of object '~' failed (Sage 300 Connector Q) (7 replies)
Hello, just following up?
Second follow up
Adding Sage300PrinterSpooler.exe to Data Execution Prevention section within Control Panel should resolve this issue, as follows:
- Control Panel>System>Advanced>Performance Settings>Data Execution Prevention.
- Select Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select
- Select Add
- Browse to the location c:\program files (x86)\Realisable Software\IMan\web\bin\Sage300PrintSpooler.exe
Thanks for the screen snap- love it.
I am to do this on the IMAN server or the Sage 300 application server?
Thanks again.
Following up : I am to do this on the IMAN server or the Sage 300 application server?
IMAN server
Thank you!
Hi there,
Appreciate any ideas on how to better troubleshoot this. I've got a Sage 300 connector that prints Order Confirmations to a physical printer. Mostly it works great and orders are being printed.
But occasionally I see this error in the log. Is this a data issue? How could I better troubleshoot this?
"Error occurred whilst processing transform [Loc2PrintHardCopy]. Method '~' of object '~' failed"
This seems to happen when there IS data to process. In the most recent example, the previous transformations were processing a single order confirmation and first created a PDF of that order confirmation in a network folder. Then, when the Sage 300 connector was meant to print the hard copy, it threw this error.
In a subsequent run of the integration, the order was processed.
Here is what is in Errors.txt, and attached is the mapping in that transform if that's helpful.
Error occurred whilst processing transform [Loc2PrintHardCopy]. Method '~' of object '~' failed
Number: -2147417851 = &H80010105 = vbObjectError - 196347 = ERRMAP_APP_FIRST - 201545
Source: IManEngine
Description: Method '~' of object '~' failed
Call Stack: AccpacPrintCoordinator.PrintVersion62Report(sRptName='OECONF01') ---------------------
Call Stack: AccpacPrintCoordinator.PrintReport(sRptName='OECONF01') ------------------------------
Env: l=0, sParam='', sPrinterName='', sExportFile='', sForm='', bPrint=False
Call Stack: AccpacOEOrdConfPrint.CreateReport() --------------------------------------------------
Call Stack: AccpacOEOrdConfPrint.CreateReport() --------------------------------------------------
Call Stack: AccpacOEOrdConfPrint.AccpacImport_CreateTransactions() -------------------------------
Call Stack: TransformAccpac.PerformTransform() ---------------------------------------------------
Call Stack: TransformAccpac.ITransformController_Process() ---------------------------------------
Env: sCompany='', l=1, bSupportsDynamicCompanies=False
Call Stack: TransformCoordinator.RunTransform(sTransformId='Loc2PrintHardCopy') ------------------
Env: eTransformType=90, bWriteSummaries=False, bSummariesHandled=False
Call Stack: TransformCoordinator.RunTransformStream(sParentTransform='Loc2PickingLists') ---------
Env: sTransformId='Loc2PrintHardCopy', l=1, m=0
Call Stack: TransformCoordinator.RunTransformStream(sParentTransform='GetOrders') ----------------
Env: sTransformId='Loc2PickingLists', l=1, m=1
Call Stack: TransformCoordinator.RunTransformStream(sParentTransform='') -------------------------
Env: sTransformId='GetOrders', l=3, m=0
Call Stack: TransformCoordinator.Process() -------------------------------------------------------
Call Stack: IntManEng.Main() ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Env: sCmd='"ECHOAP_ORD040"'