Specifying AccpacOrderId (3 replies)
Set the field containing the OrderId value to the Order Number field.
That's what I've done (I think?).
If I put in a static value in the formula box for the AccpacOrderNumber, it will carry over. I could type in something like ScoobyDoo and it will carry, but if want it to be dynamic it doesn't take. I added an image of what I'm dealing with. https://ibb.co/MCRZWhn
In case someone else comes into this thread, it's working great. I didn't know that hitting "refresh" inside the connector accounted for running the job. It all works and makes sense 🙂
I'm trying to specify the Sage 300 OrderId to match the job number (ex. GSL1842) instead of the self-generated ORD000001 type number that Sage generally makes on it's own.
Is there a clean way to accomplish this? I tried to do a Map transform but it didn't take, I also set that AccpacOrderId = OrderId prior to SageConnect but that didn't take either. For reference I've just been modifying the existing OE import sample (v 4.24). I'm still fairly new to using this, so hopefully I didn't overlook something obvious or previously asked.
I attempted using a static value in Map, it carried the static value over. If I put in %OrderId the formula will evaluate it fine, the log shows it's fine, but in Sage it will get generated as a new generic number instead of inputting the OrderID that I used, which was GSL1842.