Trying to update Sage 300 Shipment Detail Line Price: "Subscript Out of Range" (5 replies)
There may be something written to the Errors.txt file. If so, can you please post the relevant error?
Thanks for that: Here's what I'm seeing in Errors.txt:
Subscript out of range
Time='02/06/18 15:27:53' App='IManEngine:3.2.100' ADO-version='10.0' Computer='CMA-APP01'
Method: AccpacOEShipment.CreateDetailEntry
Number: 9 = &H9 = vbObjectError + 2147221513 = ERRMAP_APP_FIRST + 2147216315
Source: IManEngine
Description: Subscript out of range
Call Stack: AccpacOEShipment.CreateDetailEntry(lLineNum=0, lShipmentNumber=3917347, bUpdatingShipment=True, bStandalone=False, bJobRelated=False)
Env: l=0, m=0, iLnType=1, sTaxClass='', sTaxIncBeforePrice='', sOrderNum='', bKitAssembly=False, bMiscCharge=False, bInsertingLine=False, bTaxIncBeforePrice=False
Call Stack: AccpacOEShipment.CreateShipment() ----------------------------------------------------
Env: l=0, lShipmentNumber=3917347, s='5', sOrderNum='', sDistTax='', bCalcTax=True, bDistTax=False, bProcess=True, bUpdate=True, bHasShipmentNum=True, bHasInitialised=False, bStandalone=False, bJobRelated=False
Call Stack: AccpacOEShipment.AccpacImport_CreateTransactions() -----------------------------------
Call Stack: TransformAccpac.PerformTransform() ---------------------------------------------------
Call Stack: TransformAccpac.ITransformController_Process() ---------------------------------------
Env: sCompany='', l=1, bSupportsDynamicCompanies=False
Call Stack: TransformCoordinator.RunTransform(sTransformId='SHIPLINES') --------------------------
Env: eTransformType=90, bWriteSummaries=False, bSummariesHandled=False
Call Stack: TransformCoordinator.RunTransformStream(sParentTransform='') -------------------------
Env: sTransformId='SHIPLINES', l=0, m=0
Call Stack: TransformCoordinator.Process() -------------------------------------------------------
Call Stack: IntManEng.Main() ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Env: sCmd='"CMATST_ICCUPR30"'
Arline, is it possible for you to specify the Order Number (in conjunction with the Shipment Number)? It appears there's a bug here around the update facility; adding the Order Number should work around this.
Thanks, that worked!
OK, thanks for the feedback.
We will fix this as part of the forthcoming release.
Hello all,
I'm trying to update a price on a Sage 300 Shipment Detail Line. This works fine in the UI. But in the Sage 300 transform, when I attempt to do this, I get: "Subscript Out of Range". I need some more information in order to troubleshoot this message. I assume it's missing some key field, but I can't understand where the issue is. What is it looking for? Attached is the setup for the Sage 300 transform.