Using Mapped Values in Audit Stream (1 reply)
The Action on Transform Error is purely used to determine what action occurs on an error, not anything to do with the actual filter.
Remove anything you have in the Audit Summary and instead use the WriteToLog function.
Dim Result
Result = [the existing filter evaluation]
If Not Result Then
WriteToLog -1, "The item [" & %ItemNo & "] does not exist."
End If
The first filter (Does Item Exist) is set to reject record based on a value that was set by a lookup in the first mapping transformation
How can I get the rejected Item Number to the summary audit log when no transaction has taken place? (There is no view in use)
The item number is in the transform but using %ItemNo, does not work
I'm fine with it being in data process results, but it doesn’t show there either.
I know this is possible but what am I missing?