Datatype mismatch updating a field in a DBF (1 reply)
John, the DBWriter went through a rewrite.
DB Writer Change Notice (
If there is a mismatch you could try changing the fields to Text...and then maybe the DBF driver will attempt the conversion.
We recently upgraded an installation to IMan 4.2. This site has jobs that have been running in IMan 3.2 for a few years.
One of the DB Writers updates fields in a Foxpro DBF file. Since the upgrade, two fields cause IMan to throw Datatype Mismatch errors. One field is a decimal in IMan and a numeric in the DBF; the other is an integer in both systems.
What can I do to make these values compatible between the two systems? Modifying the DBF structure is out of the question. Anyway, it used to work just fine.