DB Write - Replacement for field [%1] cannot be performed (1 reply)
Just updating on this one.
Checking the error.txt showed me this:
Description: Replacement for field [%1] cannot be performed since it's not a field in corresponding transaction.
Call Stack: SQLStringBuilder.GenerateClause() ----------------------------------------------------
Env: sResult={Text}, sVal=''T21-5901'', sFldName='DATE', lOffset=-5
Value Of sResult:
''UK99445','1','SEKOUK','T21-5901',%DATE FAILED,%SALES CHANNEL,%ID'
I couldn't understand why the [%1] field was being mentioned in the error message until I saw %DATE FAILED, %SALES CHANNEL were not being populated with data.
Replacing the spaces with underscores and updating the related SQL table column names did the trick.
Whether it was failing as 'DATE' is a SQL Keyword or not I'm not sure.
Would someone care to explain please?
Also do Realisable check forum posts on a weekly rather than daily basis?
Hi, Using Iman 3.2
Attempting to insert into a SQL table gives the following error.
Replacement for field [%1] cannot be performed since it's not a field in corresponding transaction.
All of the fields exist in the SQL table.
I've seen a couple of other posts on this but they refer to updates rather than inserts.
I'm just amending data to an existing table.
Screenshot attached