Error when applying Pagination (5 replies)
Attached is response from the api and below is error log
2020-06-25 10:00:49:081 - Realisable.Data.Transform.ReaderReadException: An error occurred whilst reading the source data. Error - Cannot access a closed Stream.. ---> System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a closed Stream.
at System.IO.__Error.StreamIsClosed()
at System.IO.MemoryStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
at Realisable.Utils.Net.HttpWebRequestExtensions.GetResponseByte(WebResponse response)
at Realisable.Utils.Net.HttpWebRequestExtensions.GetResponseString(WebResponse response, Encoding encoding)
at Realisable.Utils.Net.StringResponse..ctor(HttpWebResponse response, Encoding encoding)
at Realisable.Data.Transform.Webservice.ErrorCodePaging.PageRequest[T](String& requestUri, String& body, Boolean& endOfRequest, Dictionary`2 headers, PageRequestHandler`1 pageHandler)
at Realisable.Data.Transform.HttpIOControllerAdapter.FetchTextDataPrivate()
at Realisable.Data.Transform.HttpIOControllerAdapter.FetchNextTextData()
at Realisable.Data.Transform.JSONReader.MoveNextSource()
at Realisable.Data.Transform.ReadStrategySteppedController.IterateSingleControllerData(BlockingQueue`1 transactionQueue, TransformRecordDefinition topRecDef)
at Realisable.Data.Transform.ReadStrategySteppedController.IterateDataWithNonDeferrableIOController(BlockingQueue`1 transactionQueue)
at Realisable.Data.Transform.ReadStrategySteppedController.IterateHeirarchicalData(BlockingQueue`1 transactionQueue)
at Realisable.Data.Transform.ReadStrategySteppedController.ReadData(BlockingQueue`1 transactionQueue)
at Realisable.Data.Transform.ReadStrategy.ReadData()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Realisable.Data.Transform.ReadStrategy.Read()
at Realisable.Data.Transform.TransformRead.Process()
at Realisable.Data.Transform.TransformControllerInterop.Process()
Can you try turning off tracing?
Now I am met with this error
An error occurred whilst reading the source data. Error - The entry path for the iterator is invalid. Check the documents being parsed match to the expected layout..
Patch provided; will be rolled into v4.2 PU3.
Both the trace and the pagination is now in PU3.
I am trying to get Pagination working for an api I am reading from, I can read successfully but when I configure pagination I am met with the below error
"An error occurred whilst reading the source data. Error - Cannot access a closed Stream.."
I have attached the settings for the webservice behaviour which after checking several times look right to me, is this a bug?