IMan 5.10 PU3 - Unable to create Webservice Behaviour (2 replies)
Randy, we're not able to replicate the issue.
Do you have any non-alpanumeric characters in the Base Url or Basic Auth entries?
Everything looks good to me in terms of allowed characters inputs.
The BaseURL matches the Regex [A-Za-z0-9:\/\.]+ (alpha-numeric plus semi-colon, forward-slash, and full stop)
I don't see anything in Basic Auth which is non-alphanumeric. It's the standard "Bearer Token" setup. The "Test Url" matches the above Regex.
Would you like me to directly email you any of the URLs or anything from the DB?
I am unable to create a new Webservice Behavior.
I have already created the Basic Authentication for the connection, but there is a JS error when attempting to save the new Webservice Behavior.
I will include the screenshot