Create Salesforce Orders from Salesforce Connector (1 reply)
Hi Feng,
The current version of the Salesforce connector supports flat writes only. To create the order items you will need to map a field to capture the created order id and then chain to a second connector to create the items.
Support for hierarchical writes will be available in an upcoming version of the connector.
Hello, I have an Excel file with Orders and their Details, which can be broken down to Header\Details in Hierarchy node. When I try to insert an Order with Details to a Salesforce Order, what to Salesforce Import Type use to create ? The related Order objects from the drop down box of Salesforce Import Type are: Order, Order Change Event, Order Feed, Order History, Order Product, Order Product Change Event, Order Product Feed, Order Product History, Order Share.
I tried "Order", I can see the Header fields for mapping, but I can not see the Details level fields, e.g. Item #\SKU, Qty Ordered...
Can you provide help on what to use to insert new Sales Orders in Salesforce ?