SalesForce - More instances of "Sequence contains more than one matching element" (1 reply)
Is there any acknowledgement of issue? Client is getting more and more unhappy.
This is identical to previous issue. Field showing up doubled in IMan, and I've confirmed that the field is not doubled up in SalesForce.
We have run into more instances of "Sequence contains more than one matching element". You previously sent us an updated SalesForce connector (last modified 2020/11/30) the last time we ran into this, but it looks like it has started up again.
I don't think this was mentioned in my previous ticket, but this error is NOT shown in IMan, regardless of the Error Action. This led to wasted time while we investigated SalesForce for consistency issues. Additionally, it is not logged to Errors.txt, it is ONLY logged in the web services log.