Analysis Code not correct when creating a sales order (4 replies)
David, if you have just created the Analysis Code or altered the User Permissions try restarting the Realisable Data Service.
I tried restarting the data service but this didn't work.
Having checked the Sage 200 developer documentation, the AllowOvertype property for the analysis code in question has not been ticked. Would this make a difference to the Sage 200 Connector?
David, we don't usually have any issues.
Can you send a screenshot of your Analysis Code setup?
I am creating sales orders with an analysis code set on them using the Sage 200 Connector. However, when the sales order has been created in Sage 200, the analysis code is completely different to the one that I have set up.
The value coming into the connector is correct. On SOP Settings order entry tab, Allow amendment of analysis codes is ticked for the Order Header but not for line entry. The analysis code that I am trying to set appears on the Delivery and Invoicing tab of the sales order in Sage 200. In User Permissions, the user default site for full order entry has been set to the correct value. I have left Rapid Order Entry and Trade Order Entry default sites blank.
I am using IMan version 4 (Product Update PU1, Config version 4.04 and DB Version 4.01). For the Sage 200 2016 Connector, the file and product versions are, according to the AddIns folder,
Is there a setting in Sage 200 that I may have missed or is there an issue with the connector?