"Matching Invoice Detail Could not be found" when trying to create an Invoice from a Shipment (11 replies)
When creating invoices from Shipments, you do not need to map the lines...unless you wish to modify the values of the lines prior to them being invoice.
If new Miscellaneous Lines need to be added, only those needed to be included.
The error was occurring as the data had item (or existing) lines where the Shipment Line Number was empty.
To resolve the issue we needed to filter the item/existing lines to leave only the new Miscellaneous Charges (which are to be added to the invoice).
I'm trying to Insert new Sage 300 invoices based on existing Sage 300 shipments. I think I see 2 issues.
Maybe these are related? Here is what I see in Errors.txt, and below is a screen snap of my header/detail mapping configuration.
Assembly Versions:
Product Update: PU1
Config Version: 4.11
DB Version: 4.11
Matching Invoice Detail could not be found for [SHINUMBER - SH402580 / SHILINENUM - 2].
Time='12/12/19 12:36:39' App='IManEngine:3.2.100' ADO-version='6.3' Computer='XXXXSERV1'
Method: AccpacOEInvoice.PositionInvoiceDetailLine
Number: 11105 = &H2B61 = vbObjectError + 2147232609 = ERRMAP_APP_FIRST + 2147227411
Source: HuntERR.Check
Description: Matching Invoice Detail could not be found for [SHINUMBER - SH402580 / SHILINENUM - 2].
Call Stack: AccpacOEInvoice.PositionInvoiceDetailLine(sShipNum='SH402580', bThrowErrorOnNotFound=True)
Env: bUsesOELineSeqMatching=True, sItemNo=''
Call Stack: AccpacOEInvoice.CreateDetailEntry(lLineNum=0, bFromMultipleShipments=False) ---------
Env: l=0, m=0, iLnType=1, sTaxClass='', sTaxIncBeforePrice='SH402580', sShipNum='', bKitAssembly=False, bMiscCharge=False, bNewMiscCharge=False, bTaxIncBeforePrice=False
Call Stack: AccpacOEInvoice.CreateInvoice() ------------------------------------------------------
Env: l=0, p=0, lShipNumInc=0, s='5', sShipNum='SH402580', sDistTax='', sCustomerNumber='', bCalcTax=False, bDistTax=False, bFromMultipleShipments=False
Call Stack: AccpacOEInvoice.AccpacImport_CreateTransactions() ------------------------------------
Call Stack: TransformAccpac.PerformTransform() ---------------------------------------------------
Call Stack: TransformAccpac.ITransformController_Process() ---------------------------------------
Env: sCompany='', l=1, bSupportsDynamicCompanies=False
Call Stack: TransformCoordinator.RunTransform(sTransformId='Sage300Invoice01') -------------------
Env: eTransformType=90, bWriteSummaries=False, bSummariesHandled=False
Call Stack: TransformCoordinator.RunTransformStream(sParentTransform='Filter01') -----------------
Env: sTransformId='Sage300Invoice01', l=0, m=0
Call Stack: TransformCoordinator.RunTransformStream(sParentTransform='') -------------------------
Env: sTransformId='Filter01', l=0, m=0
Call Stack: TransformCoordinator.Process() -------------------------------------------------------
Call Stack: IntManEng.Main() ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Env: sCmd='"TSTEDI_OEINV010"'