Logging OnError/OnWarning if child transactions fail after parent is committed (3 replies)
Hi Randy,
The thing to do here is to fail with an error on the child transaction. What the user wants to do in design mode is up to them. One thing to note is that the error that is returned should clearly indicate that the parent was successful and the child was not.
There is no child transaction in this case.
I was asking specifically about an inline Customer Address insert. In the Magento Connector, there are fields for a CustomerAddress inline with the Customer record.
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In the case of a new customer being added in Magento, how should I handle any error logging for a failed inline CustomerAddress insert?
When attempting to insert a Customer record, we first attempt the Customer insert, and then attempt the inline CustomerAddress insert (if there is one)
Writing back an error may throw off the Audit summary or any logic which checks for SYS.ERROR being empty.
Do you recommend that I use a warning in this case?