Import Types

Order Download

IMan at this points supports only the order download.


Order Status

Order Status determines which orders will be retrieved. By default i.e. without any value the connector will retrieve any orders which of status Completed.

For more information, please consult the GetOrders API reference.

Orders created in the last number of days

This stipulates how far back the connector should retrieve orders.

This setting is applied at both design time and runtime.

Transaction Messages

The connector will query eBay for any messages sent between the seller and buyer.

Preventing Duplicate Orders

Since the order download mechanism is based around the last number of days the order was placed, a mechanism to prevent duplicates is required.

  1. Store the eBay OrderID against a reference field, optional field or analysis code on the order record.
  2. Place a Filter transform in your order download transform, where the filter uses a Lookup and the unqiue “OrderID” field, comparing to a value stored in your ERP/Accounting solution.

Lookup("EBAYORDER", "OrderNumber", %OrderID, False) = ""

    • Is the ID of the Lookup.
  • OrderNumber
    • The order reference field in your ERP/Accounting solution.
  • %OrderID
    • The EBay OrderID field
  • False
    • Indicates that a match is not always expected…and indeed in this case not desired.
  • =””
    • Where no match is found i.e. the order has not yet been processed.

Caveats & Gotchas

Item SKU

Within the eBay product setup the SKU field is titled ‘Custom Label’; this field maps to either the Item_SKU field or the Variation_SKU field.

Altering the SKU field on the product will not alter the value for previously sold items.

Please see the following section [link to eBay SKU Code page] if you do not see the Custom Label field on your product setup screen.

Item Variants

When an item variant is sold the Item_SKU will be populated with the parent item and the Variation_SKU with the variant.


Pay attention to different types of shipping such as multi-leg shipping & drop-off points.

In these cases the shipping address will be swapped to the depot or drop-off point and logistics address has the ultimate send to address.