EBay Setup

You will need to signup to the EBay developer programme and obtain an application key.

Please follow steps 1 and 2 from the eBay Quick Start guide below:


The instructions are a little terse, so please use the following additions:

  1. Create a developer account:
    • https://developer.ebay.com/
    • Create a Key Set either for your eBay Sandbox or Production account.
    • We recommend creating a production account to access your live data.

  1. Click the User Token link above the keyset.

  1. Click the Sign In button, and login with your actual eBay login. This steps ties your eBay account to your developer account.
  2. On return to the eBay developer account page you will be presented with a large token. We require this to enter into the OAuth IMan setup described in the following section.