Basic Authentication

Defines the authentication details to authorise to a webservice authenticating with Basic Authentication.

In Basic HTTP authentication, a request contains a header field in the form of Authorization: Basic <credentials>, where credentials is the base64 encoding of id and password joined by a single colon :, for example:

Authorization: Basic UmVhbGlzYWJsZTpTb2Z0d2FyZUlzVGhlQmVzdA==

The Basic Authentication can be used for any simple HTTP header based authentication, where the authentication can pass the base-64 encoded HTTP token and additional header tokens with any request.


The id of the Basic Authentication


A friendly description of the authentication.

HTTP Headers

The Http Headers control defines both the encoded Base64 user id and password and any additional headers.

Test Url

The URL used when the test function is invoked. This Url should expect a GET request, otherwise an error may be reported even when the authentication succeeds.

Test Button

Will test the supplied details can successfully authenticate using the Test Url.