Inventory Control
This page describes the integration points for Inventory Control supported by the connector.
Stock Items
Create and update stock items and child records.
Intacct API Resource
A new Stock Item record will be created if the value mapped to the Item Id field does not exist, otherwise the existing record will be updated.
creating A Stock IteM
To create an invoice or credit note set the following fields:
- ItemId - The Item Code/SKU
- Name
- ItemType - Inventory, Non-Inventory, etc.
- CostMethod - Standard, Average, LIFO, FIFO
Child Records
This describes each of the children to the primary item and how to set the various fields.
Warehouse Info
Allows you to associate an item with one or more warehouses.
To associate a location set:
- WarehouseId - The landed cost method.
- Qty Fields - Various levels used for replenishment purposes.
- Warehouse Vendor Entities - It is possible to set the Warehouse Vendor entities as a child to the Warehouse.
Vendor Info
Associate one or more vendors to the item for replenishment and purchasing purposes.
To associate a Vendor set:
- VendorId - The Vendor Id.
- StockNo - The Vendor Part Code/Item No
Item Tax Group Maps
Provide the ability to associate the item with one or more tax groups.
To associate the item set the TaxGroup ID or Name fields.
Landed Cost Info
Specifies how landed cost will be determined.
To specify a landing cost method set:
- Method - The landed cost method.
- Value - The value associated.
- Enabled - Set to True (or false to disable when updating an existing record).