Shipment Download

ShipStation API


The shipment download retrieves shipments (with label/tracking info) from ShipStation.

Only valid shipments with labels generated in ShipStation will be returned in the response. Shipments that have been marked as Shipped either through the UI or the API will not appear as they are considered external shipments. Use the Shipment Download to retrieve shipments classified as 'external'.



When working in the designer this specifies which range of shipments to download.

This parameter is ignored when an integration is scheduled and instead the shipment create date/time is used (see below).

Running from a Schedule

IMan maintains a lookup table to keep track of the last date/time an shipment download is performed. Each time the shipment download is run, the records in this table are updated. A record is maintained for each ShipStation Reader which downloads shipments.

The reason a date/time is used is due to ShipStation's lack of ability to mark shipments as downloaded/prcoessed i.e. there is no facility to add a download status.

Resetting the Last Date/Time

From time-to-time there the ShipStation shipment download will successfully connect, but there is an error preventing an shipment or all shipments being integrated.

To allow the shipments to be re-processed the last run date can be reset to a value in the past, which will download all the shipments matching the parameters (per above) modified after that date/time.

It is important that a filter is included in any integration to prevent duplicates (see below).