Multipart Form URL Handling

Multipart Form URL REquests

Multi-part Request

A multipart request consists of one or more sets of form url data and binary data.

The below visualisation of a multipart request where there are two sets of form url and binary data.

Creating a Multi-part Request


When selected will include the field in the generated request.

Field Type

Can be one of four types:

  • Field/Parameter
    • These fields produce standard parameter=value form data. Each parameter/value pair is separated by the standard ampersance (&) separator. When setting this type it is necessary to specify the parameter name.
    • If there are no fields of Field/Parameter type, the request/section will contain just the File Content section (assuming there is one defined).
  • File
    • This denotes the field is a file/binary type field and will be written to the section as a binary value with either a Content-Type of 'application/octet-stream' OR a recognised binary content-type dependent on the file's extension. For example, a path ending with .pdf will generate a Content-Type of 'application/pdf'.
    • The field may either reference a file's path through the textual contents of the field OR if the field's actual type is Binary, the contents of the IMan binary field will be written to the content of the request.
    • If no File type fields are defined the request/section will contain just the form field name/value combinations.
  • Content Disposition Name
    • This allows the name parameter in the Content-Disposition header of the section to be overridden. If no IMan field of type 'Content Disposition Name' is defined for the section the name parameter will take a default value of, file1, file2, etc incrementing for each file in the multipart reqiest.
    • Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file1"; filename="filename.jpg"
  • Boundary
    • Specifies the field is a boundary type field - allowing multiple parts/sections to be to be written to the multi-part request. It is therefore necessary to order fields so they are logically grouped corresponding to a section, where the last field in the group is a boundary type.
    • If no boundary field is specified just a single section will be included in the request.

Parameter/Field Name

Specifies the name of the parameter in the parameter/value pair for form-url sections.