Multipart Form URL Handling

Multipart Form URL REquests

Multi-part Request

A multipart request consists of one or more sets of form url data and binary data.

The below visualisation of a multipart request where there are two sets of form url and binary data.

Creating a Multi-part Request

Important Notes

  • Ordering of fields is important.
  • The last field in a sequence must be a binary field.

Setup of Writer

  1. Order the fields on the reader so the form fields appear before the field representing the binary field.
  2. The binary field should be positioned last. The binary field can either be of Field Type 'Binary' or a file path to the binary resource.
  3. To create a second set of form url and binary data, position another field where the value is 'SYS.BOUNDARY' and repeat steps 1 and 2.

The following image shows how the fields would be setup and ordered to produce the multipart request in the image above.