The latest version of IMan has been enhanced so the File (and FTP) tasks to support expando fields. This means you can refer to a field in your dataset from within the File task options, and because of this you can now conditionally ‘route’ files.
In the Read transform of the integration include the field SYS.INPUTFILE.
Split the dataflow into two and place a filter transform on each branch and then add a File task to each Filter transform using an expression to filter the success and failed transactions, creating Success and Fail branches.
Route the SYS.INPUTFILE field (or the field containing the field name) to each of the File tasks so that it can be referenced.
File Task Setup
The Source File field now refers to the field from the read transform; and because it’s an expando it needs to be fully referenced with the record id and field name.
Another improvement to the File task is the Source Directory no longer requires populating if the Source File is rooted i.e. it is a full path, not just part of the name.