Shopify Breaking Change/Bug Causes No Orders to Download
Who needs to update?
If you are using IMan to integrate with Shopify, it is likely that you will need to update your Shopify connector.
How to Apply The Update
Download, unblock, unzip and apply the attached connector for IMan 5.1 using the install instructions – replacing the existing Shopify connector.
Updating the Order Reader
The patched connector does half the job.
The Order Reader must be updated also to set the Financial Status parameter to eiother paid OR paid,unpaid. For each integration with an Order Reader:
- Load the integration and go to the Transform Setup tab.
- Open the Order Reader by double clicking it.
- Change the financial status parameter to one of the two values: paid – this change does mean that orders without paid status will not be downloaded OR unpaid,paid – if the previous status was either empty or ‘any’.
- Press Apply, close the screen.
- Save the integration to commit the changes.
Resetting the Last Run Date
It is likely that no orders have downloaded since Shopify introduced the issue. You will need to reset the last run date, for the orders to pick up any missed ones.