When using Internet Explorer 11 it is not possible to drag transforms onto the design area from the palette, neither is it possible to select or open existing transforms.
1. Either download and install the latest version of IMan or;
2. Patch your current version of IMan with the following steps:
- Download, save and extract the patch to your local computer.
- Ensure the extracted file is not blocked by right clicking the file, properties and checking there is no Unblock button at the bottom of the properties page.
- On the server with IMan installed, stop all the Realisable Services and reset the IMan IIS application pool.
- Move from the c:\inetpub\wwwroot\IMan\bin\Syncfusion.Shared.Web.dll to a backup folder not anywhere in the %systemdrive%\inetpub\wwwroot
- Move the extracted file from the first step to c:\inetpub\wwwroot\IMan\bin
- Restart the services, login to IMan & test.