Setup & Administration
Administrative and Setup items are all maintained under the primary Setup tab on the main navigation strip.
Many aspects of the transform jobs in IMan depend on the items configured within this tab.
Administrative users have access to each of the function, whereas non-Administrative users have access to only the Lookup Table Maintenance functions.
VBScript & Lookups
Lookups Setup use VBScript Common Functions to verify and locate key data. Counter Setup are used to auto-generate Id's when there are none already existing in the external database.
When the external database is not flexible enough to allow data translation, internal Lookup Tables can be created within IMan. These are defined and maintained from the screens within this tab.
VBScript Common Functions can be setup here, which are a shared group of functions that can be called from any VBScript enabled transform.
To import data from web-service applications we need to configure authentication. We can do this with Basic Authentication or the more complex OAuth2 Authentication.
Setup Items
The Setup Items section holds the many screens responsible for configuring key setups that are necessary for the transform jobs to operate:
Database Connections
- To arrange database connection strings to connect to an external database.
SMTP Server
- The details of the servers are needed in order for IMan to send email.
- IMan's auditing function cannot work without an SMTP server first being defined.
POP3 Servers
- The servers necessary to perform any inbound email tasks, including the Email IO controller.
Email Groups
- Recipients receiving the IMan Audit Reports (see Audit Tab).
FTP Server
- To utilise any FTP tasks, the authentication details to connect with an FTP or SSH server must first be defined here.
System Connectors
- All authentication details for connectors (such as accounting/ERP, eCommerce, Marketplaces, Concur etc) are configured here.
Running & Scheduling Integrations
There are a number of ways to schedule an integration, of which the primary method is through Scheduling.
Alternative means are File Events or Email Monitors, both of which are event driven, triggered on file being created, or an email received.
Security within IMan is maintained through User Setup. This is where an administrator may add new users or edit or delete existing ones.