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VBScript & Lookups

Under VBScript & Lookups are the options to configure the following:

Lookups Setup & Maintenance

Wherever VBScript is supported, the Lookup & Data Cleanse Functions performs a means to execute a parametrised SQL query, where the lookup may query either an external database or a table maintained within the IMan database.

Depending on the style of lookup, there are three screens used for their setup:

  • Lookups Setup
    • For initial configuration of the lookups.
  • Lookup Tables Setup
    • To define IMan's internal lookup table(s).
  • Lookup Tables Maintenance
    • Used to maintain the values within an internal lookup table(s).
The Lookup Function can be used in any area of IMan where VBScript is supported.

Counter Setup

Counters can be used to create unique sequential Id's for records or transactions that need them. IMan can do this with the VBScript GetCounterSequence function. This function relies on the Counters defined within this area.


Used to generate customer numbers.

Common Functions

This is a fantastic resource to store VBScript functions that will be commonly used. As with Lookups and Counters, Common Functions can be called from any VBScript supporting function in IMan.