Sample Integrations
A sample integration walk-through is a high-level learning resource to help you understand the structure of an IMan integration and its primary capabilities.
After these you should use the relevant training guide for Sage300 or Sage200, which will guide you through the setup and configuration of several integrations.
Further resources can be found in the IMan User Guide and the application specific guides for Sage200, Sage300 and SageCRM.

Order Import
These are very typical of an order import from a web-commerce application.
They both:
- Import data from an Excel spreadsheet.
- Apply transforms to the data.
- Create/update sales ledger customers.
- Create sales orders in the relevant application.
Item & Price Export / Extract
This style of integration is representative of a master data extract required for an e-commerce store.
To export data from Sage300. The database reader will extract data directly from the database.
The integration will:
- Read the database
- Map /create fields to record date/time
- Write data to XML
Invoice Import
This imports A/R Invoices from an Excel file into Sage300 as an A/R Invoice batch. The invoices created are a mixture of item and summary invoices, where the determination of the invoice type is based on the data in the file.
The integration follows a fairly standard flow of:
- Read
- Hierarchy
- Map
- Connector
Receipt Import
This imports A/R Receipts from a CSV file into Sage300 as an A/R Receipt batch. The receipts are a mixture of applied receipts and prepayments, where the determination of the receipt type is based on the data in the file.
The integration also has the flow of:
- Read
- Hierarchy
- Map
- Connector
Canadian Payroll Import
This integration illustrates how to import a very simple timesheet from Excel into Canadian Payroll.
The integration has the flow of:
- Read
- Hierarchy
- Map
- Connector
PJC Timecard Import
This imports an Excel file into Sage300 as PJC Timesheets.
The flow of integration:
- Read
- Hierarchy
- Map
- Connector

1. Company setup
Two integrations (2. Purchase Order & 3. Shipment to Receipt) demonstrate how IMan can be used to automate inter-company purchase, sales order and shipment processing.
This page will take you through the setup necessary to have the samples work correctly.
2. Purchase Order
The first integration required for this inter-company process does the following:
- Extracts the P/O from SAMLTD
- Exports a corresponding O/E Order in SAMINC
- Final step that flags the exported orders to prevent them from being re-exported.
3. Shipment to Receipt
The second integration necessary for this process performs the return transaction by creating a P/O Receipt in SAMLTD whenever a shipment is raised against an intercompany order within SAMINC.

SOP Order Import
These are very typical of an order import from a web-commerce application.
They both:
- Import data from an Excel spreadsheet.
- Apply transforms to the data.
- Create/update sales ledger customers.
- Create sales orders in the relevant application.
Item & Price Export / Extract
This style of integration is representative of a master data extract required for an e-commerce store.
To export data from Sage300. The database reader will extract data directly from the database.
The integration will:
- Read the database
- Map /create fields to record date/time
- Write data to XML
Sales Invoice Import
Imports sale invoices from a CSV file into Sage200.
The flow of the integration:
- Read
- Hierarchy
- Map
- Connector
SOP Invoice & Consolidated Billing
Demonstrates how IMan can not only generate SOP Orders but also create SOP Dispatches, and Print & Post SOP Invoices.

Opportunity & Quote Import
The SageCRM import integration creates & updates Opportunities and Quotes in SageCRM.
It is important that SageCRM is correctly setup as per the IMan Setup and CRM Setup sections in the CRM User Guide document.
Flow of the integration:
- Read
- Hierarchy
- Map
- Connector
Opportunity & Quote Export
This integration extracts Opportunities and Quotes from the Sage. This job demonstrates the SageCRM Reader transform which is powered by SData.
The flow of the integration:
- Read
- Map
- Write