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IMan Setup

Ensure the Sage300 Workstation is installed on the IMan server. We recommend that have the workstation installed locally as this will improvement performance and reduce potential security issues.

If the Sage300 shared data is hosted on a remote server, the path to the Shared data must be a UNC path where the IMan user has read/write permissions to the folder. Please consult here for a full discussion.

Ensure the Sage300 .net runtime libraries are installed corresponding to the current version.

The installer can be found in the <Sage300 Program Folder>\Runtime\smdotnet.exe

It is highly recommended that a restart of the workstation is performed following the installation of Sage300 & Product Updates. The below, 'Session could not be opened', error may otherwise be encountered through the Design portion of IMan and also when an integration is scheduled.

This section will walk you through setting up IMan connectors and permissions:

  1. System Connector Setup
  2. Security, Installation & Errors